Good Morning Monday!

1238753_10201844702228905_178728890_n“Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” Psalm 90:14 (NIV)

I just love mornings with the sun shining and nature being displayed in such brilliant light! It gives me an extra boost as I make my way out of bed and off to work. Everything around me is seen in a fresh perspective as light is cast upon it. Monday morning does not seem so bad when displayed in with such splendor. It is a joy to get up and bask in such radiant light…my eyes can barely take in all the beauty the light is casting on the mountains, trees and buildings! I feel the gladness welling up within me over the loveliness of the morning!

It reminds me something my artist friend, James, said to me during an art lesson on Saturday (He is a masterful painter from Korea and I just love the wisdom that flows out of his heart and onto his lips!). I was working on a watercolor painting of the beach and I asked him how I should paint the water. He said look for the shadows and paint them. The Lord knows where both are, but we can only paint the shadows…only He is able to do the light.

What perfect light the Lord displayed upon the earth this morning! My heart is grateful and my
perspective on Monday morning is hopeful for for the week ahead! Thank you Lord for such artistry!!!