Add Color & Fun To A Children’s Room

Frogs & Fish Pond
Frogs & Fish Pond

Adding a little color to any children’s area (bedrooms, playrooms, class and/or Sunday school rooms) will brighten it up and make it much more fun for the children!

A local church in my area needed a little help to make their children’s space welcoming for the all the kids. I used their church theme/names to come up with some simple design elements to add color and excitement to the walls.

I did not have a lot of free time to give to this project. Therefore, I kept it simple, but still appealing. The elements added were painted solid with very little shading and then outlined to give them a finished look.

Again, going with the names already designated for each room: puddles, ponds, streams and rivers, I incorporated artwork that would showcase this.

Tree house
Tree house

[one_half]Puddles: [/one_half]
Ducks splashing and playing in – of course -puddles. One had an umbrella, another a boat, and two others just playing in the puddles.

[one_half]Ponds: [/one_half]
Cute little fish and frogs having a good time!

A bridge over the stream with signs of life enjoying it all (included butterflies, flowers, a tent, trees, a snake, worms, etc.)

Bears, rocks, trees, and a flowing river around the entire room.

As you can see, a little color goes a long way to bring fun for little eyes to enjoy!