Life Together
I’m realizing (and not always with grace) that it’s ok to be uncomfortable in life. The kind of uncomfortable that stretches you to grow and moves you to achieve things you never thought possible.
Marriage is showing (teaching) me that things don’t have to go my way. Sometimes my way only shows me the view from the valley when the opportunity awaits me to see it from the summit (I want to see the view from the summit…I am just afraid).
Mostly, this reluctance to do things outside my comfort zone springs up when we are on vacation. I like having a schedule (plan) when traveling (places to visit with reservations made in advance). However, my husband likes taking it one day at a time….“Who knows how far we will feel like driving” or “If the weather is nice we can camp out,” he says.
I don’t like to fly from the seat of my pants when it comes to these things. It makes me uncomfortable. I don’t like to be uncomfortable. A plan makes better sense to me. Plans are safe…plans are good. That’s my process. That’s how I like to travel. That’s how I do things (I have always done things).
Plans are good, but I’m learning it’s also okay to not have one (or one that is set in stone). I can enjoy our vacation without a schedule…and enjoy that I am spending time with the one I love. Am I totally comfortable with making day-to-day plans on the road? No, but I am learning to cherish every moment we get to do life together on this earth.
My husband is full of wanderlust to explore and see new places (places not even on a GPS map). He loves the water (grew up on lakes) and swims like he’s a fish.
I am a land dweller…I want to stay on the shore. The shore is safe. He wants me in the water. That’s risky. He’s a risk taker…he likes the edge. I don’t like the edge. I lived my life away from the edge.
I am not a risk taker…I play it safe (or what I call safe)…I sit on the sidelines (I like the sidelines!!!) I like to be home. I like to do things around the house. I like to spend my days painting. My idea of vacation is sitting still and enjoying one place. It’s checking things off my to do list, painting a little and relaxing in the sun.
Although, vacationing with my husband has stretched me more than I wanted to be pulled, it has also allowed me to experience beauty beyond what my own bent to life would allow me to explore.
It’s been hard for me. I have had to adjust my attitude and stop complaining (well…I’m working on this one). I have had to trust the Lord that I would make it through canoeing on lakes (that look like oceans), taking roads that lead to nowhere and hiking trails unknown. I have had to move out of my comfort zone (did I mention I like that zone 🙂 ). I’m learning…and it’s ok that I still have not reached 100% on this one. Most things in life are a process. It’s ok to give yourself permission to process. We both are learning. That’s good. That’s life together. That’s God working out his purpose for our lives through us.
My husband’s learning that I need to feel safe and to give me the what, when, where and how along the journey. I am learning not to extinguish my husband’s adventurous spirit. I’m working on being silent instead of unloving, unkind or harsh when I need answers. I am learning to ask the Lord to show Himself in all we do and to direct our hearts. And when my husband’s way of doing things does not fit my way, I am learning to not stunt how the Lord uniquely created him to be. He’s wise and fun to be with…and I trust him.
I’m glad he pushes me and wants me with him on these adventures. I am glad he does not let me sit on the sidelines (shhh, just don’t tell him!). 🙂
♥ Michelle
Find Happy Heart: Fill’er Up!
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05/23/2015 @ 4:38 pm
Love the pictures and your honest pros about your adventures in marriage. I am glad you shared with us, Michelle. Thank you for opening the door and for the peek into your life with your Creator at the helm, woven into your lives.
05/27/2015 @ 10:46 am
Thank you Leslie for stopping in…and for blessing me with such a lovely and encouraging note!!! The Lord definitely has a sense of humor–after my post, we were off and running Friday night to kayak at a nearby lake (did you catch I said NIGHT…nothing like kayaking with a headlamp!). 🙂
05/24/2015 @ 9:53 pm
I loved what you shared. You are honest and real to yourself. This a hard lesson for anyone to learn. We all can learn from this. Some of us live in a world we created to be safe. Trusting is sometimes one of the hardest lesson to learn and there are things about us we hide even from our selves. Thank you for helping us to take a leap of faith because there is a blessing waiting for us.
05/27/2015 @ 11:02 am
Thank you Wanda for blessing me with your words of wisdom…so beautifully expressed!!! It’s a struggle, but I am learning to take a deep breath and sail into the wind with Mr. Wanderlust…even if I am hiding below deck! Lol
05/26/2015 @ 8:42 pm
Oh Michelleee, this one made me cry. So well done…I think you could have found the topic of another book?!?! I love you, my sister! Renee xoxoxox
05/27/2015 @ 11:48 am
Hello Renee…so sweet (I know you know!!!). I am sure the Lord was smiling as he made me laugh…off and running to kayak at “NIGHT” over the weekend. Of course it took some lifting of my (let’s just stay at home and watch a movie) ANCHOR before we drove off into the sunset. Much to my surprise, it was the thing to do! Met some nice people and enjoyed the serene setting. 🙂
06/22/2015 @ 10:22 am
I love this Michelle. It is so true and so you. We all need to be willing to step out of our comfort zone, because you never know what could be waiting out there that God wants us to enjoy. Having a partner in life that is willing to be the security you need as you take those steps makes it all the more beautiful. I pray for you and your marriage and that you continue to let it be God centered. I look forward to hearing more of your adventures together.
06/22/2015 @ 12:16 pm
Thank you was great to see you and catch up for a minute over the weekend! Glad you stopped by and enjoyed the post…thank you for your prayers! Keeping you lifted up too! Michelle