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Meet the Artist

michelle2Inspired HeArt~
Hi there!  I am an artist and author.  As far as I can remember, I have been doing art projects. I would make homemade cards, paint anything in my pathway, and write a rhyme or two of poetry.

It was over a decade ago that I woke up in the middle of the night with a children’s story on my heart. I grabbed a pencil as words just started to flow from my heart to my hand. I could hardly keep up, but I wrote it down and then tucked it away. Once in while, I would look at it, and every now and then, it would come to my mind. Each time I felt such a strong need to do something with it, but it never seemed to be the right timing.

I realized the perfect opportunity was not going to happen and that I had to make room in my life to move towards the vision the Lord placed on my heart. I had some editors look it over and I received positive feedback.  It took me two years of writing and painting the scenes for each page to get this little book completed for children. I want help children to know how much God loves them and to help them find confidence and joy in His Word. I am excited to see this dream become a reality. “Happy Heart: Fill’er Up!” is now available in my shop!

HeArt For Healing ~
I am grateful for the opportunity I had to attend Liberty University. Not only did I learn more about the art of design and tackle earning a Master’s in Counseling, I was able to grow in my walk with Jesus Christ. I interacted with so many wonderful people that helped me to become a better person and heal from past wounds. In my teens I had turned to food (or the control of not eating) to cope with my emotional needs and pain. This gripped my life for years until the power of Scripture loosened the chains and filled my entire heart, mind and spirit with peace. This did not happen over night. It was a process that took time as I worked through layers of hurt. Now, life is not always easy and it can be messy and confusing at times. However, I have learned to choose joy and surround myself with encouraging friends and the Truth found in the Bible. I believe that all things are possible with God! He gave me inner peace and a happy heart. It is my desire to inspire the viewer of my art to take time for joy and allow the beauty of the Lord to wash over their heart, mind and spirit until His JOY fills and refreshes their soul.